Badal Basket


Food & Drink


Foodies : Badal Basket is the ultimate app for food lovers who wantto enjoy delicious Thalis in minutes. Whether you crave for Indian,Chinese, Fast-Food, or any other cuisine, you can find it on Foodies:Badal Basket with just one click.With Foodies: Badal Basket, you can:● Order thali online with a wide range of choices and cuisines near you.● Get your food delivered fast and fresh by our trained and courteous deliverypartners.● Enjoy discounts, cashback, and loyalty rewards on every order.● Track your order in real-time and get notified when it arrives.● Choose from various payment options such as cash, card, UPI, or wallet.● Refer your friends and family and earn credits for your next order.● Avail special offers and deals on Foodies Friday and save more on your food bills.Foodies: Badal Basket is not just an app, it is a community of foodies who share their love for food and their feedback on our app. We value your opinions and suggestions and strive to improve our app and services based on them. We also take care of your health and hygiene and ensure that our food is prepared and packed in a safe andsanitary manner.Foodies: Badal Basket is more than just a food ordering and delivery app, it is a lifestyle. It is a way to treat yourself and your loved ones with the best food in town. It is a way to discover new flavours and cuisines and satisfy your taste buds. It is a way to save time and money and enjoy the convenience of ordering food online from FoodiesDownload Foodies: Badal Basket today and get 50% off your first order. Join the Foodies family and experience the difference.